Members Area
Facebook Page: All Race Results from 2022 onwards are now posted on our North Lancs RC Facebook page, as are our Evening Tens Results. You can find updates on upcoming events too. Click the box to view our Facebook Page. We’ve also got a Facebook Group that members are welcome to join. Members can view the Group and request to join at this link.
Club Clothing: Our Club Colours are red, gold and blue (as you may have guessed!). We’re now ordering kit from NoPinz who produce our club garments in every type, shape and size. Just click the Club Kit graphic to view the online catalogue and the complete range of items. You’ll be asked for a password, it’s NorthLancs21 – please note it is case sensitive. The club will reimburse £30 off your first purchase. Happy ordering!
Club Champions & Club Record Holders: Each year our Club Champions are crowned at qualifying events. View them below, and view our Club Record holders too. As above you can find all results from Races and Evening Tens on our Facebook Page now. Legacy Race Results and Evening Tens results can be viewed at the links below. The Tens results will be found underneath the 2023 Tens info.
Handbooks & Event Lists: CTT Handbooks are now available direct from the Cycling Time Trials online shop. British Cycling offers various levels of membership and has a list of events and cycling resources on site. Club members who join theLeague of Veteran Racing Cyclists receive a free handbook from the through the post from LVRC as part of their membership. The North Lancs Time Trial Association event list is available online at the NLTTA website.
Club News: Members will be informed about upcoming events and happenings within the club via email, Facebook or WhatsApp.
Club Subs: Membership dues are £14.00 per year and due on 30 September. Subs can be made by bank transfer directly into our Club Account: North Lancashire Road Club – Sort Code: 09-01-55 – Account Number: 43477800. Why not set up a standing order then you don’t have to worry about remembering each year. OR you can pay via Paypal here. NB! When paying online please use reference of your initial and last name in the payment advice section so we know who you are!
Club AGM: Our AGM takes place in October each year, all members are welcome to come along and help shape the future of the club.
Club Celebration: We used to have an annual awards evening, which is recent years has moved with the times to be a social celebration of all things cycling, with our club champs awarded their trophies. If you’re a member you’ll find out all about our annual celebration and any other events via email, Facebook or WhatsApp.